About - Mehul Bawadia.

A little deep information.
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Professional Career

Mid 2014

Started my career in WordPress, but within 2 months, the company itself got shutdown.

November 2014 to June 2020 - DetaTech Computer Services

For the first 3 months, I was doing programming and developing web based applications using Core PHP. Then in February 2015, my employer informed me that we will have to start doing development using Laravel. And at the same time, Laravel 5.0 was released.
With the help of the official documentation and Laracasts videos, I started learning Laravel, and kind of became a fan of this framework and the community.
While serving my tenure in this proprietorship firm, I have learnt countless things related to website development that I never knew in the first place, including Google SEO and Digital Marketing. Not to mention the off-work qualities as well.
I have served 5 years and 7 months in this proprietorship firm. I was the sole person besides my employer.
Using Laravel itself, I have created 3 to 4 eCommerce web apps, 1 nano website builder, 1 bulk email sending Saas product, 1 business club web app, and static websites here and there.

August 2020 to September 2020 - Aiolos Solutions

In this firm, I have served for only one and a half month. I worked on customised web based solutions that were already created by other team members in the Laravel framework.

October 2020 to February 2021 - Bombay Softwares

In this firm, I have served for only three and a half months. I worked on customised web based solutions that were already created by other team members in the Laravel framework.

May 2021 to May 2022 - Kudos Intech Software Pvt Ltd.

In this firm, I have served for 1 full year. I worked on customised web based solutions that were already created by other team members in the Laravel framework.
I also got to learn ReactJs via InertiaJs for one of the client's web application. Hence, I have 6 months of experience in ReactJs as well along with Laravel.

June 2022 to September 2023 - Webelight Solutions

In this firm, I have served for 1 year 3 months. I worked on customised web based solutions that were already created by other team members in the Laravel framework and VueJs 2. It was in this firm that I was asked to work with VueJs. Thanks to my employer for trusting me even though I had 0 prior knowledge and experience in VueJs.

Process Followed

1. Discover

In this process, I learn more about the requirements from you and/or from the client, and come up with varios permutations and combinations to meet the requirements.

2. Design

Once I learn properly, I do the design of the requirements that you gave keeping things aesthetically pleasing & useable for your audience.

3. Develop

Once you and/or the client is happy with the design(s), I start with the development process of the said requirements.

4. Deploy

After development, I will send the developed task to the client for reviewing. Once confirmed, will be deployed to the live server.

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Spare time Projects

Few of the simple projects simply to learn.

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