Korean Movies and TV Shows

Fetching the Korean movies and TV shows from using the TMDB API
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Leveraging the power of Laravel, Laravel Livewire, and the TMDB API, you've built a one-stop-shop for Korean entertainment enthusiasts! This project dives deep into the world of Korean dramas and films, providing users with comprehensive details about their favorite shows and movies.

Through the TMDB API, the project fetches information on everything from plot summaries and cast listings to individual actor and actress filmographies. This detailed approach ensures users have all the resources they need to explore the vast landscape of Korean entertainment. The Laravel Livewire framework adds a dynamic element, potentially allowing users to search for specific titles.

This project offers a user-friendly and informative way to delve into Korean pop culture, making it a valuable resource for fans and newcomers alike.

This project is categorised under: Laravel, Livewire, TMDB API

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Korean Movies and TV Shows

Process Followed

1. Discover

In this process, I learn more about the requirements from you and/or from the client, and come up with varios permutations and combinations to meet the requirements.

2. Design

Once I learn properly, I do the design of the requirements that you gave keeping things aesthetically pleasing & useable for your audience.

3. Develop

Once you and/or the client is happy with the design(s), I start with the development process of the said requirements.

4. Deploy

After development, I will send the developed task to the client for reviewing. Once confirmed, will be deployed to the live server.

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